How Your Church can Benefit from the Bible Institutes Curriculum
BibleInstitutes.org offers professionally prepared curriculum for your church's adult education classes. The courses are reasonably priced. Each course includes a student text and a student workbook. The student completes the workbook between sessions and submits it for grading.
BibleInstitutes.org is not just a "book-seller". We provide curriculum designed to educate students in the Bible and equip them for ministry.
Compare the value of our full spectrum curriculum against the typical "small group discussion book," and you'll appreciate the value!
A. Leadership training program: Bible Institutes has biblical training for Sunday School teachers, secretaries, Adult teachers, Evangelists, Missionaries, Elders, Deacons, Ministry leaders, Christian school teachers and administrators.
One pastor said, “If you want to lead here, we ask that you get continuing Bible Ed credits on a regular basis – we need to see that you are growing.”
B. Discipleship training: If your church does not have an intentional program, the Bible Institutes will assist the pastor. All courses are prepared for the pastor and by a trusted education partner.
C. Aids in the growth of the church (numbers and spiritual): The early church grew because the Gospel was preached with power, and the Lord was adding to its numbers each day. Undoubtedly, people who were added to the church brought their friends. Likewise, we must study to be approved workmen, and the church will see new evangelism efforts born.
D. Empowers the great commission: New ministries and mission efforts will be born out of people increasingly saturated with God’s word.
There's More!!!
Your community bible students may also enroll with Patriot Bible University to pursue a Bible college degree. They may receive full credit toward an undergraduate degree from Patriot Bible University for courses with a "C" or better grade. Even graduate students can receive partial credit for their coursework.
Excellent Resource For Small Groups
It is always an overwhelming challenge to find just the right study for your church small group or your outreach small group. With PBU as your training partner, you have just one source you need to consult. You can give us the general topic for the study and we can suggest a few specific courses. From there, you can order online or by telephone.
We make it simple for you! Contact us for your next small group study.
"I appreciate having a choice of solid Biblical teaching subjects with the lesson plans and administration already designed. We are battling the lost art of disciple making and these courses help us to do what the Lord Jesus instructed - make disciples."
"I am thoroughly enjoying the courses. Even in the busiest month of the school year, I have found that the courses are not a burden, but a blessing. The information is practical and usable. I am using some of the resources at our Christian school."
A Christian School Teacher in Maine writes:
A rural church pastor writes:
Empower your church with our dynamic curriculum today.
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